Many thanks for considering a donation to the Parish of Kidderminster East.
Your gift will be used to further God’s ministry in the Parish of Kidderminster East and towards supporting our clergy and churches throughout the Diocese of Worcester. You can choose whether to donate to the parish as a whole, or to donate to an individual church within our parish.
The Parish Giving Scheme is a ‘scheme supported by the Church of England that offers an easy and efficient way for people to make regular’ and one-off ‘donations to their church with benefits to both the donor and the local church.’
To find out more please click on the ‘download’ button below or watch the video.

Parish Giving Scheme Video
The Parish Giving Scheme from The National Giving Team on Vimeo.
To gift:
It’s now even easier for people to give to your church using the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). Individuals can set up their donations via the PGS website, as well as via the telephone line (0333 002 1271, Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm) and the paper forms, which are available from your PGS parish representative.
You will need to have your bank account details, church/parish name and PGS parish code to hand. Once again it is possible to donate to the parish as a whole or to donate to an individual church within our parish. You can also decide whether to give a one-off gift, or set up a regular gift.
Here are the names and codes you will need for the parish as well as for each individual church:
- Parish of Kidderminster East – 42A642228
- PGS St. Cecilia’s – 420642228
- PGS St. Chad’s – 420642227
- PGS St. George’s – 420642226
- PGS St. Mary’s, Stone – 420642237
You will be able to Gift Aid your donation, if eligible, and you will also be given the option to increase your giving annually in line with inflation.
You can also make a donation toward the Parish of Kidderminster East via CAF – please click here.
If you would like to donate to the individual churches please follow the links to their respective pages below.
Data protection
CAF Donate and the PGS are GDPR compliant and donor’s data will only be used for the purpose of donating to us and not shared with anyone else.