St George’s Coffee Shop is open on Friday mornings 10:00am to 12:00noon, at St. George’s Church. Fresh filter coffee, cappuccino, tea, hot chocolate and toasted tea cakes are available for purchase. There is free squash for accompanied children.
Coffee is served in the church and access is available through the main front door of the church.
Also, the Coffee Shop is hosting an Art Table – all ages and abilities welcome, materials provided, minimum charge. No need to book, just turn up!

St George’s coffee shop aims to:
- Open the church to the wider community and be a regular meeting place each week.
- Encounter God’s fellowship and be a place of welcome.
- Provide an opportunity to access information about the Christian faith informally.
- Support local charities within the Wyre Forest and help towards the upkeep of the church.
- Be a place where people can just sit and be quiet.
- Use Fairtrade consumables.
It is a great opportunity to relax, chat and make new friends. All are welcome so please pop in to join us!
For further information or if you would like to get involved please come along or contact the Parish Office.