St Cecilia’s – interim v1.3

St Cecilia’s Church, 164 Hoo Road, Kidderminster, DY10 1LP

St Cecilia’s is a small, friendly church, located not far from the centre of Kidderminster. The church is a modern build architectural design with a wonderful vaulted roof. There are excellent facilities with several spaces to use, including a large hallway, well equipped kitchen, and second meeting space. Everyone will receive a warm welcome at St Cecilia’s. 


There is a service at 9:45am every Sunday morning, welcoming people of all ages.  The worship is informal, with some traditional but mostly modern music. Children and young people are very welcome and we have thriving children and young people’s groups. Most of our services are around one hour long.
Services on the first and third Sundays each month are normally Holy Communion; the second Sunday finds us changing to a really relaxed Café Church style; the fourth Sunday is where you’ll find our more conventional Morning Worship service. We make enthusiastic use of the latest technology to support our worship, which is displayed on large TV screens. We make use of the best of live and recorded music in our worship, which is delivered through a modern sound system. There is no need for service books, as everything necessary is displayed on the screens.

What can you expect at St Cecilia’s?

  • Following Jesus isn’t just a Sunday religious experience it is a life changing relationship for every day of the week.
  • You will find a relaxed approach to worship and community.
  • We are a mix of ages, backgrounds and upbringings. There is place for everyone at St Cecilia’s.
  • We know that none of us is perfect and accept that we are all works in progress.
  • You will be accepted as you are and not how you think you should you be.
  • We don’t have all the answers but we know that Jesus does.
  • We all need a loving Saviour, a fresh start and a hope to come.
  • You are welcome here. 

Additional activities 

It is possible to hire the church for a range of occasions; to enquire about booking the hall, please contact the Church Office on 01562 822131.


There is off road parking behind the church and two ramps at the front and back of the church assist with access. Once inside, the church is completely wheelchair friendly.  Furthermore, during services a Hearing Loop system is available. The toilets include disabled and baby-changing facilities.

If you wish to support the work of our church in the community, then click this link:


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