Lent at KEP 2023

Faith pictures in text with Church Army logo in grey, black and teal

The course so far…

1 Peter 3:15-16a
But in your heart set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience

Is there a picture or image that helps you describe your faith journey? Maybe an Obstacle Course? Or a trip guided by satnav? Or a glass bottle thrown into the sea?
Are there any particular bible characters who help you think about your journey? There may be ones we want to emulate, or others who we wish to learn from their choices.
This week we ‘come into land’ as the course concludes.

In weeks 2 & 3 we thought about how we readily talk about things that matter to us; things we enjoy. We began to look at using similar words and patterns to talk of our story of faith; our journey so far.
Session 4 looks at how use of picture language can help us to describe our faith.

Week 1 Opening the Conversation

Wednesday 23rd February 2023 we considered:

  • Conversation starters
  • Why it is sometimes difficult to talk about our faith
  • Linking the Christian faith to what is generally reasonable and believable

Week 2 Wednesday 1st March join us for ‘The Power of the Ordinary’

Lent Course 2023

How steep is the decrease in knowledge in the general public about Jesus and what it means to have faith in him? Do your non-church family and friends have a good grasp of what the good news of Jesus is all about? How will these people hear something helpful?

The course “Faith Pictures” is designed to help us play our part by increasing our confidence in telling our story of faith; we can’t leave the job to anyone else.

Please sign up today (19th Feb) to let us prepare the right number of materials. Come along on Thursday 23rd February at St George’s, 7:30pm to join in. We will be working in groups, but you’ll be with someone you know.

All Thursday sessions in Lent will be held in St George’s except 23rd March which is at St Chad’s.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 22nd February.

On Thursday evenings beginning 23rd February we are running a 5-session Lent course called Faith Pictures.

Less than 50% of the population call themselves Christian (2021 census), and 28% believe that Jesus was a mythical or fictional character (Talking Jesus survey, 2022). How will people hear about the life-transforming Jesus we know? Will it be through the schools, from books or TV, via Google – well, possibly, but most likely it will be from a conversation with us. Do we feel confident about putting into words what it is that we believe? What exactly is ‘the good news’? Lent is here to help!

Faith Pictures, is a resource produced by the Church Army to help us get better at telling our story, our encounter with Jesus, in a way that avoids cringe-making phrases, and will leave the listener wanting more. Get ready for joining in!

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