Easter Services 2022:
Please click on the download button below to see the Easter and Holy Week services 2022 in the Parish of Kidderminster East.

Ash Wednesday 2022:
On Ash Wednesday, 2nd March, there are two services of Holy Communion available on that day (as well as Morning Prayer on Zoom at 8:00am): George’s and 7:00pm at St Cassian’s.
Both services will have the opportunity to be ‘ashed’ for those who would like it. The 10:00am service will use the Book of Common Prayer (1662).
We mark the beginning of the season of Lent together at these services.
A Bible Story told Afresh:
“I’ll tell you Bible stories like you’ve never heard before…”
For three Wednesdays in Lent, there will be an opportunity to explore a bible story told afresh by Revd Eva McIntyre. Each week will bring a different story and the opportunity to reflect, discuss and use our imaginations as part of our Lenten journey towards Easter.
Each of the sessions will be at St George’s at 10:00am on 16th, 23rd & 30th March. Everyone is welcome to any or all of the sessions. The first of the sessions is part of the Holy Communion service.
As well as being a retired clergy member of our parish, Eva trained at Birmingham School of Acting and has been exploring the power of storytelling in Church settings as an ongoing research project.
Parish Lent Course 2022:
David writes: During this season this year I would like to draw us together to do some thinking and praying. I’d like us to address this phrase from the Parish Profile that drew me to apply for this job:
“We are 5 very tasty ingredients in a mixing bowl. Could you lead and direct us to decide what it is we are baking?”
Our meetings will be designed to help us explore what is the best way for us to be a single parish with five worship centres. One way of preparing for this is to pray between now and the beginning of Lent,
“Lord, please show us what you are baking us into”.
The meetings will begin on Wednesday 9th March, 7:30pm in St George’s (all but one of the meetings will be on a Wednesday, the exception being Tuesday 22nd March). Robert & I are aiming to record a summary video the day after each meeting, which will be made available online. They are meetings where the contributions of everyone who can attend are valued. Please join us if you possibly can.
Parish Lent Challenge 2022:
This years Lent challenge will not be based on giving something up but on exploring something we all hold dear; prayer. Below are recommendations of things to focus on during prayer each day during Lent. This initiative is similar to a virtual prayer meeting. When you take part you can be in the knowledge that others are praying for the same things around the same time as you, thereby ensuring our fellowship commitment.