Online Prayer


A Morning Zoom Prayer service takes place, with the clergy, at 8:00am daily except Fridays and Sundays. The readings that accompany these can found in the Parish Newsletter or the Daily Morning Prayer readings on the side menu.


There is a Parish Prayer Zoom Meeting occurring monthly, which is open to all in the parish to pray. 

The meetings will be available to login from 7:20pm in order to join together in prayer from 7:30pm to 8:15pm.

To join either of the above Zoom meetings, please email requesting a copy of the link and password by 6:00pm on the day before the meeting.

Please see our Parish Newsletter and Virtual Services pages for further information regarding online services. 

We also have a variety of recorded services and sermons on our YouTube channel and Facebook page which are available at your convenience. 

Please press the ‘Download’ button for security advice on the use of Zoom for parishioners.


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