Daily Morning Prayer readings

July 2024

Week beginning Sunday 30th June 2024

DateBible passageFestival/Notes
Mon 1stLuke 19: 28 – 40 
Tue 2ndLuke 19: 41 – end 
Wed 3rdJohn 20: 24 – 29 Thomas the Apostle
Thu 4thLuke 20: 9 – 19
Fri 5thLuke 20: 20 – 26 
Sat 6th Luke 20: 27 – 40 

Week beginning Sunday 7th July 2024

DateBible passageFestival/Notes
Mon 8thLuke 20: 41 – 21:4 
Tue 9thLuke 21: 5 – 19 
Wed 10thLuke 21: 20 – 28 
Thu 11thLuke 21: 29 – end
Fri 12thLuke 22: 1 – 13 
Sat 13thLuke 22: 14 – 23 

Week beginning Sunday 14th July 2024

DateBible passageFestival/Notes
Mon 15thLuke 22: 24 – 30 
Tue 16thLuke 22: 31 – 38 
Wed 17thLuke 22: 39 – 46 
Thu 18thLuke 22: 47 – 62
Fri 19thLuke 22: 63 – end 
Sat 20thLuke 23: 1 – 12 

Week beginning Sunday 21st July 2024

DateBible passageFestival/Notes
Mon 22ndJohn 20: 1 – 2, 11 – 18 Mary Magdalene
Tue 23rdLuke 23: 26 – 43 
Wed 24thLuke 23: 44 – 56a 
Thu 25thActs 11: 27 – 12: 2James the Apostle
Fri 26thLuke 24: 13 – 35 
Sat 27thLuke 24: 36 – end 

Week beginning Sunday 28th July 2024

DateBible passageFestival/Notes
Mon 29th1 Samuel 19: 1 – 18
Tue 30th1 Samuel 20: 1 – 17 
Wed 31st1 Samuel 20: 18 – end 
Thu 1st August1 Samuel 21: 1 – 22:5
Fri 2nd1 Samuel 22: 6 – end 
Sat 3rd1 Samuel 23: 1 – end 

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