Faithful Friday Blog 07 03 2025

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Friday 07/03/2025

John 4.
This week we start to read a different chunk of John’s gospel, from the start of the ministry of Jesus where people, including his own disciples, are beginning to discover who he is. In chapter 4 we read of the encounter between Jesus and the woman, which is so life-changing and life-enhancing for her. She then issues a very simple invitation to her fellow villagers, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did” which enables many others to discover Jesus for themselves. What would be the invitation that we could give about Jesus? What is it about him that is so life-changing and life-enhancing for us? Let’s be encouraged that she doesn’t yet have all the answers: she still asks, “Could this be the Christ?” She is willing to explore that possibility.

The Revd. David Hildred


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