Faithful Friday Blog 28 06 2024

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Friday 28/06/2024

Luke 19

The parables keep coming thick and fast … this week we’ve read about the persistent widow, the pharisee and the tax collector and next week there’s another one coming! Sometimes familiarity can cause us to miss some important details in Jesus’ teaching (for instance, I’d forgotten who it was Jesus was speaking to in the story of the pharisee and the tax collector). However, I remember very clearly the conversation I had with Queen Camilla many years ago and I’m sure the parents who brought their children to Jesus, the rich young man who asked him a question that bothered him, the beggar whose sight was restored and (one of my favourites, Zacchaeus) never forgot the time they met Jesus in person and the words he may have spoken to them. Let’s pray that as we read His word to us each day, we may not only remember but also put what he tells us into practice.

The Ven. Andy Piggott


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