Friday 24/03/2023
Jeremiah 19 v 14- 20 v6
How good are you at listening to and responding to things that you don’t want to hear? It is said that the truth hurts and quite often when we hear something that hits home, we tend to take it out on the person who spoke the words. A very popular phrase in our modern world is, “Don’t shoot the messenger!”
In our reading today the messenger isn’t shot, however being beaten and put into the stocks is not a pleasant experience! And wouldn’t you think that when Jeremiah was released he might reflect upon what had just happened to him, revisit his sermon notes and do a serious bit of revision; not a bit of it! He gives Pashur the Temple official some fairly strong predictions both for the country and for himself personally.
As a Vicar many things have happened to me over the years, however I have never (yet!) been beaten and put into the stocks! Having said that, I wonder if when a church leader says or preaches something that is true but inconvenient or uncomfortable how do we respond either out loud or in the silence of our own hearts? We must be prepared to listen both to the encouragement that God’s word brings but also to the challenges, accepting both as coming from God for our benefit and His glory.
Revd Robert Legge