- We saw the return of Messy Church, St George’s Pop-Up Cafe, St George’s Coffee Shop, KEY, Care and Share, Baby and Toddler’s, Young at Heart and Cafe Chad in 2018.
- Our website as well as the parish Facebook and Twitter accounts continued to be used as platforms for prayer, updates, virtual services, and the sharing of Christian values.
- On Wednesday 3rd January Parish Prayer resumed.
- The Marriage Preparation course started.
- Open the Book groups were busy visiting schools in the area.
- An Alpha course started.
- There was a Barn Dance for St Cassian’s Organ Fund on Saturday 24th February.
- Holland House held a WARM day (Worcs Anglican Renewal) on Tuesday, 6th March.
- Churches Together in Kidderminster started their Desert Island Lent talks.
- St George’s hosted the Central England Concert Band on Saturday 24th March.
- We celebrated Easter 2018 with a variety of Holy Communion and Worship for All services across the parish.
- Café Chad held a “Special Event” on Monday 16th raising funds for King of Hearts Creative Outreach.
- St Cassian’s hosted a Bring & Buy and Coffee Morning on Saturday 21st April 2018 in aid of Church Organ Fund.
- St George’s had a Family Fun Day in the Park and Spring Craft Fayre on Saturday 21st April.
- The congregation of St Mary’s, Stone took part in a Bluebell Walk on Sunday 29th April.
- The Calling Young Disciples Group met on Monday 30th April.
- There was a United Parish Service with Bishop Graham on Sunday 6th May at St Cassian’s.
- St George’s hosted the Holy Communion for Ascension on Thursday 10th May.
- St Cassian’s held a Rogation Walk on Sunday 13th May.
- St George’s hosted a Tea Dance on Thursday 21st June.
- Saturday 30th June was the Borrington Bash “Party in the Park” with a parade from St Chad’s Church.
- The Playhouse Theatre performed at St George’s on Friday 13th July.
- Messy Church in the Woods was a very successful Messy Church event hosted by St Mary’s, Stone on Saturday 14th July.
- St George’s hosted a Tea Dance on Monday 13th August.
- St Cecilia’s hosted the Whalebone Concert on Saturday 15th September.
- Harvest Services of Thanksgiving occurred on Sunday 30th September.
- The Deanery Synod Open Meeting with Ruth Walker occurred on Tuesday 16th October.
- St George’s Service of Dedication with Bishop of Worcester happened on Friday 19th October followed by the Dinner and Dance.
- The Annual Parish Bereavement Service happen on Sunday 21st October.
- St Cassian’s hosted the Alcester Victoria Silver Band Concert on Saturday 3rd November.
- Rachel Akers’ farewell Bring and Share Lunch happened at St George’s on Sunday 4th November.
- The Parish honoured the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War.
- St George’s hosted a Quiz night & Supper on Tuesday 13th November in aid of church funds.
- St George’s Craft Fayre was on Saturday 24th November.
- There was a Tea Dance at St George’s on Monday 3rd December.
- Rachel Akers’ Licensing Service on Thursday 6th December at St. Augustine’s, Dudley.
- St Mary’s, Stone hosted the Northern Branch of the Bell Ringing Association Carol Service on Saturday 8th December.
- The Parish Longest Night Service was held on Friday 21st December at St Cassian’s.
- K.E.Y. held their Christmas Party on Saturday 22nd December at St Chad’s.
- Christmas 2018 was celebrated across the parish with many different services.

Please view our other Year Summaries at: