Faithful Friday Blog 11 08 2023

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Friday 11/08/2023

Jeremiah 39

Today we read of the fall of Jerusalem into the hands of the Babylonians, all of which has been long forewarned as the judgement of God against his people.  Earlier this week we read of the desperate attempt of the king to silence God’s word by burning it piece by piece: he could not succeed.  And then came the attempt to silence God’s messenger: that could not succeed either.  Instead, the Lord’s message and messenger prevailed, and Ebed-Melech, who shows kindness to Jeremiah is given his own private message of rescue.  No matter how much the people and their leaders sought to rail against God’s word, that word remained God’s intention for his people: and it was his intention to reform and renew his people.

The Revd. David Hildred


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