Friday 09/09/2022
2 Samuel 16 v 1-14
When I think of Royalty, one associated word that comes to mind is “dignified.” Our own Queen is an example of someone who possesses great dignity and I guess you could also see King David in the same dignified way. Which is why we are pulled up short when we read about Shimei running after David, pelting him with stones and dirt and shouting out curses after him! And nobody would have been surprised if David had agreed with Abishai’s suggestion that Shimei should have his head cut off! And yet David tells Abishai not to do so. I wonder why not? Maybe it is because as David says perhaps this situation is part of God’s plan. We often see God’s plans for us as being smooth, clean and easy for us, however He has never promised any such thing. God may take us through situations that may be very hard on our dignity and pride, however we can be sure that whatever He odes it will be for our ultimate benefit and good.
Revd Robert Legge