Friday 11/11/2022
Daniel 7 v 1-14
In the Bible I have open in front of me right now this passage is described as “Daniel’s dream.” Personally I would describe it as “Daniel’s nightmare!” It all sounds truly frightening!
In this passage each of the 4 beasts represent the 4 great world empires; Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and in their time periods all four of them were all powerful and their influence spread everywhere throughout the known world!
And yet verses 9 to 14 makes it really clear that there is another Kingdom, the strongest and most powerful Kingdom that encompasses the past, present and future; the everlasting Kingdom of God.
I think that the key to understanding what this passage is all about lies in the phrase, “Ancient of Days,” a phrase that signifies that God is past, present and future all rolled into one. To put it plainly, our God has seen it all!
Isn’t it good how this passage adds such depth to God’s being? Isn’t it reassuring that God has seen everything of human history from the perspective of all eternity and that no matter what has happened in the past or is happening today or will happen in the future, God is in control and He is sovereign.
Revd Robert Legge