Friday 13/01/2023
1 Corinthians 4
Do you prefer, 1. Manchester United or Manchester City? 2. Coronation Street or Eastenders? 3. Beatles or Rolling Stones? 4. Marmite; love it or hate it? *
There is something about human behaviour that tends to want to belong in one camp or another in all sorts of different ways. It was certainly true in the Corinthian church in Paul’s time; and this was causing big difficulties! Paul had already challenged the Corinthians over their allegiance to specific Christian leaders (I Corinthians 1 v 10-13) and they have ended up inappropriately judging their leaders one against the other. The Apostle warns them that they must not do so, they need to remember that it is not human tradition or personal taste or even personal qualities that should come into play here, rather it should be God’s written Word that should be all important, that a leader’s status should rest upon how faithfully he or she expounds and lives by God’s Word and that ultimately it is God who will be the judge. When personal opinion is elevated to the same status as God’s Word, bickering and division will result. Let us ensure that the foundations of our faith are firm and that our attitude to effective ministry is ultimately shaped by God’s will and purpose.
* My answers; 1. Manchester United, 2. Neither, 3. Both, 4. Hate it!
Revd Robert Legge