Friday 16/09/2022
2 Samuel 23 v 1-7
I wonder if you know any last words of any famous people? For our present purposes one example will suffice. Oscar Wilde as he lay dying in a hotel room in Paris looked around at the somewhat ostentatious décor and allegedly announced, “Either that wallpaper goes or I do!” His last words were all about himself and shortly afterwards he beat the wallpaper to it and he died!
By comparison David’s last words are an acknowledgement that throughout his long and illustrious (although not perfect as l’ affaire Bathsheba testifies!) God has been the source of his success and all of the credit and honour must go to Him
When our own time comes to leave this world I guess that we will not waste those precious seconds in trivialities so what will our final words and thoughts be? Will we give the glory to ourselves and say (sing?) with Frank Sinatra “I Did It My Way!” or will we acknowledge the hand of God throughout our lives and joyfully proclaim, “I did it God’s way in God’s love and for God’s glory!”
Revd Robert Legge