Friday 17/02/2023
John 20:11 – 18
The grim account of the crucifixion is followed by the glorious record the resurrection. All of it is written by John from the angle of how different people were involved at various stages. It’s almost as if he is saying to us “Go and check it out with Pilate, or Joseph or Arimathea, or Mary Magdalene, and hear it from them as to what happened”, and alongside their experiences we are given indications of their meanings; some Scripture is fulfilled, some understanding is deepened, an explanation is given about forgiveness, and so on. John rounds off chapter 20 with a note about why he has chosen to write the life of Jesus and the particular selection of events in the previous chapters: it’s so that we can join Thomas and the other disciples in believing and receiving life in the name of Jesus. Have we done what John hoped we would?
Revd David Hildred