Friday 23/09/2022
Acts 15 v 22-35
I love reading other people’s letters! Before you judge me too harshly and call me a nosey so and so let me explain. My family were all prolific letter writers and I have copies of letters from the 1930s until around 10 years ago that I love to read through. I like to do this because it gives me an amazing insight into the workings of my family and how they handled themselves both in good times and bad.
In this passage today we have the privilege of reading someone else’s letter. Like all letters this one has a purpose, to both encourage and warn new Gentile believers in their new faith.
In Scripture we have the privilege of looking over the shoulders of the various biblical writers and reading what they have written and in doing so we can be built up, encouraged, challenged and strengthened as we read. Let us never grow tired of reading the writings of others and especially the biblical writers; in doing so we have much to learn!
Revd Robert Legge