Friday 24/02/2023
Jeremiah 3:6 – 22
Jeremiah is called by God to be a prophet to the people of Judah, the southern kingdom of the people of God. The northern kingdom, referred to as Israel, had already been overrun as punishment from God for turning away from him. Here is a final call for God’s people to stop running after other gods and return to him as his faithful people; it is a call that explains what will happen to his people when they don’t (and indeed they don’t), and what will happen when God draws them back out of exile in Babylon (and indeed God does). The language in these chapters is of sexual intimacy, prostitution and adultery, which reflects the heartless rejection of the relationship that God had intended for his people – a relationship of tender care, love and commitment. Will the bride of Christ (the church) take heed? May our ears be open!
Revd David Hildred