Faithful Friday Blog 29 07 2022

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Friday 29/07/2022

Luke 22 v 1-13

What is the difference between Midsomer Murders and Columbo?

Simple really, in Columbo we find out at the start of each episode who the baddie is whereas with Midsomer we have to wait until the end for all to be revealed!

The story of Judas falls into the “Midsomer” category. When we get to where we are this evening we suddenly realise who the bad guy is. Up until now the threat against Jesus has been quite generic; “the Jewish leaders,” “the leaders of the people,” “the scribes and the teachers of the law” Suddenly all of that changes, Evil, danger and betrayal suddenly has a face and it is none other than Judas Iscariot one of his own disciples.

I have always found it hard to get my head around Judas Iscariot and why he did what he did. He was never absent so far as we know when Jesus did all of the miracles and all of the healings and spoke all of those wonderful words that we have in the Gospels. He was a close friend of Jesus. And yet we need to remember that the whole story including Judas betrayal is not a question of Jesus coming to earth to tell everybody to love one another and when everybody misunderstood God had to turn to Plan B, which was the crucifixion! Jesus always knew he was going to die. Subsequently Judas betrayal is personal because Jesus mission is personal. Jesus died for us personally and He longs to indwell in us personally. Judas’ betrayal was terrible but Jesus’ death and resurrection is glorious.

Revd Robert Legge


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