Friday 10/03/2023
Jeremiah 10 v 1-16
I don’t know what many of you do in your spare time, however I will take a wild guess that few if any of you go into the forest, cut down a tree, shape it with your chisel, adorn it with silver and gold and fasten it with hammer and nails!
In our modern times we find it frankly incomprehensible that people could do such a thing; create gods that are really no gods at all, but half a moment! Are there any gods that we fashion today albeit in a slightly different form. What about the gods of money, popularity, influence, comfort, status and possessions to name but a few. These are the things our world tends to worship and idolise and there is always a danger that consciously or unconsciously we join in with them.
Before we condemn the people of the Old Testament too harshly let us look into our own hearts and see if there are any gods lurking there that have much more influence in our lives than we might care to admit.
Revd Robert Legge