Faithful Friday Blog 11 10 2024

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Friday 11/10/2024


This week we’ve been reading through Paul’s letter to the Church in Philippi. It’s a wonderfully encouraging read, and for many people, when asked to choose their favourite letter, Philippians is their first pick! Perhaps this is because it’s a very positive letter with a joyful, encouraging ‘feel’. The word ‘joy’ and its derivatives occur many times.

It may also be because it’s a very practical letter. If we’re ever uncertain what to pray for, we could try praying in Paul’s words in chapter 1:9-11. If we want some advice about living the life to which Jesus calls us, let’s have a look again at what Paul says to the Philippians about the things they should do and strive for.

Perhaps it’s because I know that I’m nearer the end of my life than its beginning, I find what Paul writes in 3: 13b-14 particularly helpful, albeit in a challenging way! Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. May the Lord help us to keep pressing on!

The Ven. Andy Piggott

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