Friday 16/06/2023
Romans 8
Paul is so very honest about what is going on in his own life, and he helps us to admit that we experience the same confliction of desires. He describes it as “in my mind I am a slave to God, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin”. He wants to do good, wants to live God’s way, but so often finds that his sinful nature has the upper hand. What a terrible situation were it not for Jesus! The later readings this week cause us to join in with cries of praise that Jesus has won the victory over sin for us, and so through him we become ‘more than conquerors’ in the battle that rages within us. The battle goes on, but we too can be ‘convinced’ that nothing will separate us from God’s love whilst we wait for the final day of that battle to arrive.
The Revd. David Hildred