Friday 03/02/2023
1 Corinthians 16:1 – 9
The chapters in this week’s readings are some of the ‘big hitters’ that we often turn to first when thinking about spiritual gifts, the analogy of the church being the body of Christ, Love, and orderly worship. The chapter about Resurrection is being set aside until nearer Easter! With all of these themes Paul is addressing an issue that had arisen in the Corinthian church, and his words are still relevant for us even where the issue is not as pressing as it was for them. However, this letter is not a theological textbook, and that is made clear in the final chapter where Paul refers to individuals by name and the contribution they have made to the ministry of the gospel. Which is the name or phrase that encourages you the most? Which phrase would you like to have been written about you? What can you do to make that true?
Revd David Hildred