Friday 21/03/2025
John 7.
This week’s readings hold a lot of rejection for Jesus. The Jewish leaders reject his teaching, maybe deliberately taking it too literally (‘eat my flesh’) to avoid having to think about it (N.B. this is probably a couple of years in advance of the Last Supper when Jesus said ‘This is my body’ so it would need some thinking about!). Many disciples turn back from following him. Amongst the Twelve Jesus indicates there is a betrayer. His brothers don’t understand his publicity strategy. The Jews refuse to be swayed by reference to their Scriptures and logical reasoning. In all of this rejection his time had not yet come; there was more that the people needed to hear and see before the journey to the climax of his ministry would make sense. Praise God we have the full story and can make our response to his offer of life.
The Revd. David Hildred