Friday 31/03/2023
Jeremiah 24 v 1-10
Do you remember that in our 3rd March reflection I wrote about only hearing one part of a story and that we would be returning to that point? Well here we are! God’s people have been taken into exile by their enemies and it looks as if all is lost. However that’s only half the story because now we hear this wonderful prophecy which has been given to Jeremiah.
There are 2 aspects to this prophecy, there are the “bad figs” that will not be returning from exile, however there are also the “good figs.” They will be coming home to the Temple and fulfilling God’s plans and purposes. God will keep His promise, the exiles will return and God’s plan of salvation will continue.
In the Old Testament the idea of a remnant or minority is a very prominent theme and I wonder how often we feel like remnants from a time where more people came to church, knew about the Christian faith and sent their children to youth events and meetings? Let us remember that God was faithful to His remnant people in Jeremiah’s time and He will be faithful to them toady if they remain faithful to Him. To be honest we are few to be honest but in God’s strength we can do much!
Revd Robert Legge