Faithful Friday Blog 25 11 2022

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Friday 25/11/2022

Isaiah 41 v 21- 42 v 9

Go on then, prove it!

That seems to be the standard response to anybody making a statement or expressing an opinion today. And in this passage Isaiah is asking those people who worship other gods for proof that those gods are really real and powerful!

In effect Isaiah is saying, “If your gods have the power and ability you claim that they have, then prove it! And it’s still the same today. If all of the things in our world that claim to offer us happiness, meaning, fulfilment and a sense of purpose and thus demand to be first in our lives, then where is the proof?

By comparison Chapter 41 talks about the Servant of the Lord who is faithful and true, a prophecy that ultimately points us to Jesus.

In our lives this week where will we look for our ultimate source of peace, fulfilment and security, to the gods of this world who are really no gods at all or to Jesus who has proved by His life, death and resurrection that He is the way, the truth and the life for us all?

Revd Robert Legge


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