Collect and Readings

March 2025

Sunday 2nd March – Sunday next before Lent

Sunday CollectSunday Readings
Holy God,
you know the disorder of our sinful lives:
set straight our crooked hearts,
and bend our wills to love your goodness
and your glory
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Exodus 34: 29 – end
2 Corinthians 3: 12 – 4: 2
Luke 9: 28 – 36

Sunday 9th March – 1st Sunday of Lent

Sunday CollectSunday Readings
Heavenly Father,
your Son battled with the powers of darkness,
and grew closer to you in the desert:
help us to use these days to grow
in wisdom and prayer
that we may witness to your saving love
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Deuteronomy 26: 1 – 11
Romans 10: 8b – 13
Luke 4: 1 – 13

Sunday 16th March – 2nd Sunday of Lent

Sunday CollectSunday Readings
Almighty God,
by the prayer and discipline of Lent
may we enter into
the mystery of Christ’s sufferings,
and by following in his Way
come to share in his glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Genesis 15: 1 – 12, 17 – 18
Philippians 3: 17 – 4:1
Luke 13: 31 – end

Sunday 23rd March – 3rd Sunday of Lent

Sunday CollectSunday Readings
Eternal God,
give us insight
to discern your will for us,
to give up what harms us,
and to seek the perfection we are promised
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 55: 1 – 9
1 Corinthians 10:1 – 13
Luke 13: 1 – 9

Sunday 30th March – 4th Sunday of Lent

Sunday CollectSunday Readings
Merciful Lord,
you know our struggle to serve you:
when sin spoils our lives
and overshadows our hearts,
come to our aid
and turn us back to you again;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Exodus 2: 1 – 10
Colossians 3: 12 – 17
John 19: 25b – 27

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