Friday 19/05/2023
Deuteronomy 29
There are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience during God’s formation of his People into the holy nation that will carry his blessing to others. The covenant, pact or agreement that we read about is what we now refer to as the Old Covenant, since there is a New Covenant that is offered to us through faith in Jesus. The result of the covenants is the same: God’s holy people busy with his holy mission. The ancient People of God couldn’t keep their side of the covenant (obedience), and let’s not think we would have done any better! The New Covenant is fuelled and filled with the grace of Jesus as he supplies what we are lacking, as he takes away our sinfulness and replaces it with his holiness. Are we ready to get on with his mission?
The Revd. David Hildred