Friday 21/06/2024
Luke 17
I remember many years ago when our daughter was only about 2 years old, we were on holiday in Cornwall. One beautiful sunny day we were on a beach enjoying ourselves when Ruth and I realised that she was no longer digging in the sand a few yards away. For what seemed an age – but was in fact only 2 or 3 minutes – we thought we’d lost her. It was just awful! Fortunately, she’d simply wandered down to the water’s edge with her bucket, was soon found and all was well. There was great rejoicing! Jesus’s parables of lostness (the sheep, the coin, the son) are very familiar to us, and might remind us as the words of the great hymn put it that we were ‘once lost’ and now ‘are found’ … but perhaps they remind us that it can only take a minute or two to lose focus and become lost in various aspects of our lives. Reading God’s Word can help us keep on track, especially as we pray that He will lead us, guide us and keep us close to him. May we be thankful that Jesus has ‘found’ us and seek to walk closely with him.
The Ven. Andy Piggott