Faithful Friday Blog 22 07 2022

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Friday 22/07/2022

John 20 v 1-2, 11-18

Today in our readings we remember Mary Magdalene and this is perhaps the most well known incident that the Bible records about her.

Just imagine Mary’s distress in this passage; not only has Jesus been crucified but now someone has actually stolen His body! In Jewish times nothing could be more sacrilegious and in her eyes bad news was piling onto bad news!

And then suddenly everything changes, not by a sermon nor by physical recognition nor by lightning from Heaven but by one short word; “Mary!”

Like our Zacchaeus reading last week Jesus addresses Mary personally and suddenly Mary understands. Her sorrow turns to joy as she witnesses the resurrection of her Lord and Saviour.

You and I will never fully understand the depth of Jesus’ love and compassion for us unless we remember that He longs to meet us personally, that He loves the Parish of Kidderminster East with all its strengths and weaknesses but He also loves (Insert your name here!). Let us listen as Jesus calls us by name and assures us of His presence with us day by day.

Revd Robert Legge

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