Faithful Friday Blog 27 12 2024

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Friday 27/12/2024

John 21
We have travelled through Advent, and Christmas Day has come and gone!! Perhaps you are wondering what it was all about? Today we celebrate St John, Apostle and Evangelist. In the Gospel of St John chapter 21 we find that the disciples were wondering too. Jesus had been crucified and the disciples were so lost as to what to do they returned to what they had known so well – fishing. Having fished all night they had caught nothing. It must have been salt in their wounds of grief. Then Jesus appears on the shore. Following his guidance they catch a huge number of fish. Jesus then barbeques the fish for them and they see who he really is – Jesus risen from the dead. And he said to Peter “Follow me!” As the New Year approaches may 2025 be a year of glorious catches for you and may you follow Jesus more closely than ever before!

The Revd. Guy Hewlett

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